When there is abuse or neglect of spouses, children, domestic partners or against elders or others in the household, the individual may be arrested and charged with domestic violence. Domestic violence charges are serious , and if you are convicted it can mean time in jail, large fines, probation, loss of visitation rights, child custody and other harsh penalties.
If you or a family member is facing charges of domestic violence, it is important to contact an Overland Park criminal defense attorney for legal assistance and guidance. An aggressive and persuasive defense is necessary at each phase of the criminal process, beginning at the time of arrest, during arraignment and all subsequent court proceedings.
A domestic violence crime does not include only physical injuries suffered by the victim through abuse or neglect.
It extends to include the use of verbal abuse, harassment, and stalking. It could be alleged that there was intimidation or there was fear for his or her safety. The state of Kansas is strict and law enforcement will arrest an individual if there is enough evidence to show abuse or neglect. An arrest can be a frightening experience and it is important to have an experienced attorney to protect the constitutional rights of the defendant at each step of the criminal justice process.
I fight hard for my clients and offer a zealous defense, and sincerely believe that all defendants deserve just and fair treatment in the criminal court system. A knowledgeable defense lawyer can challenge evidence presented by the prosecution, which can include witness statements, arrest reports, forensics and more. For help with a domestic violence case, call for a consultation with an accomplished defense attorney.